The Health department will not allow us to meet in groups of greater than 10 until June. Our May meeting will also be online using the Zoom platform. Please check to see if you need to download the Zoom software or apps before the…
We will be discussing Winter Autopsies, Splitting and Queen rearing techniques, and May To Dos: Meeting Link: or Join by phone +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 112 742 459 9821# You can attend a Google Meet through your browser or if you want to use…
This is exciting, you can take the Beekeeping 101 class online from Penn State for FREE if you register by April 30th, 2020. Please take advantage of this even if you aren’t totally new to beekeeping. I assure you there is always something to…
The slide presentation that Angela gave earlier this year about how to build and execute swarm traps is now live on our Resources > How-To Presentations page Also including it here below for your convenience:
Because our efforts to have a workshop for building traps have been squashed by Shelter in Place directives, I wanted to give all of you an online video source for building your own swarm traps! You can certainly “convert” a deep box into a…
Our friends at 2 million Blossoms are offering a free January 2020 electronic issue to help pull us out of our Covid-19 depression! You can take advantage of it here
Etienne Tardif is a Beekeeper and Teacher in the Yukon in Zone 1 north of us. I first heard him speak about Northern Winterizing at Apimondia 2019 in Montreal. He is offering a free or by donation online class for how he successfully winterizes…