Flathead County Health Dept Meetings Back On!

Great news! We got our old spot back at the Health Department on 1st Ave West starting this June 2021! Meetings will be moved back to it. We are so grateful for the Northridge Lutheran Church and Betsy S. For allowing us to meet…

May ZOOM Meeting

All, as announced last month, the May meeting on Tuesday the 25th will be via ZOOM (not at the church) because we have a guest speaker Andrew Bauer from South Western Montana. Please make sure you’ve downloaded the zoom app to your devices before…

Talk 2 by Etienne Tardif Wed 4/28

Etienne will continue his Northern Beekeeping series (free) on Wednesday 4/28 at 8pm MST. Please see the original page for more details:

Series of Free Beekeeping Talks for Northern Beekeepers

Etienne Tardif of the Yukon Beekeepers will be doing a series of free online presentations starting Thursday, April 15 at 8pm MST. Wednesday April 28th – 8pm (MST)– TALK 2: BEE TOOLS/EQUIPMENT AND TIME COMMITMENTS/LOCAL RULES(Very cold climate focus – Yukon , NWT and…

Feeding Bees Pollen Sub ParT 1

I’ve been feeding my bees protein supplement (not exactly with pre-purchased pollen patties, but with pollen powder substitute mixed with sugar and a bit of water to create a “Krabby Patty”). But this morning I found my bees foraging for protein in the crushed…

Free Bee Installation and Swarm Trapping Classes March 16th

Lane County (Oregon) Beekeepers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: LCBA March Monthly Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Early Class: Installing Package Bees & Nucs Log in 6:45pm for Q&A session Class starts promptly at 7:15pm. General Meeting: “Free Bees!…

Online natural Beekeeping Course

From the Rodale Institute Website about their Online Beekeeping Course: Learn from the experts at Rodale Institute, the global leader in regenerative organic agriculture. Rodale Institute has been putting science behind regenerative organic farming for over 70 years. Now, Rodale Institute’s decades of research…

January 2021 Meeting Location moved

We will meet this Tuesday, January 26th at 6:30 pm as usual but we have lost access to the Health Department during COVID. We will meet at the Northridge Lutheran Church at 323 Northridge Dr in Kalispell. Here is the a link to the…

Meetings Suspended till 2021

Monthly Beekeeping meetings are on a break until after the New Year in 2021. We do not have a meeting place and since the bees have all gone to bed, we could all use a rest! However, please feel free to ask questions here…

Comparison of Hive Composition for Northern Wintering

As many of you know, I was requested to conduct a research experiment and write a paper on it for my Master Beekeeping certification with the University of Montana. I received high marks on my paper and I thought I would share it with…