August 30th Meeting with State Entomologist

This month our meeting will have a guest speaker! Alyssa Piccolomini, our official bee inspector and state Entomologist, will be here from Helena to talk about bee health. Get some benefit out of the annual dues you pay to the state for her time…

July 26th Meeting for 2022

Don’t forget about our in person meeting at the Flathead County Health Department in Kalispell Tuesday the 26th at 6:30 pm!

Need Volunteer to Lead June 28th Meeting

Angela will be on vacation for the June meeting and she needs someone to be the point person to stream the in-person meeting on Facebook on June 28th from the Health Department. You don’t have to have all the beekeeping answers, just call the…

May Meeting Tuesday 24th 6:30 pm

Don’t forget our in person meeting at the County Health Department is this coming Tuesday the 24th (NOT May 31st) Bring your questions!

April Meeting Tuesday 26th

Don’t forget about our in person meeting at the Flathead County Health Department Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. We will also stream it on the Association Facebook page. Agenda:1. Installing packages & Nucs and first month of care2. Making splits & Queens3. May meeting…

Bee Informed Partnership Loss Survey

The BIP Loss survey is up for the 2021-2022 year until April 30th. Please consider taking this survey (at least the short version) to help collect data about our colony losses and the reasons for such. Thanks for contributing! Take the Survey Here

March 29th Meeting In Person/Zoom

This in-person meeting at the Flathead County Health Department at 6:30pm on March 29th will also be conducted on Zoom as we have a special guest speaker from Great Falls Montana, Amy Grisak, talking to us about her beekeeping experiences including her work with…

Further Information About Great Northern Honey Co Bee Packages

I spoke with Amy at GNHC and have more details to give you about their local bee packages: Packages will be at least $150, maybe slightly more depending on the queen cost They will be ready for pickup within the first 2 weekends of…

New Package Bee Source for the Flathead

We have added a new source for bee package purchasing from local company Great Northern Honey Co! While the bees do not overwinter in Montana, the company is locally based and makes honey from foraging here in Flathead County each year. Nucleus hives are…

February Meeting Canceled Due to Injury

Members, I apologize for the late notice but I have to cancel the February meeting tonight due to injuring myself this morning on the ice. I’m unable to walk and in a lot of pain. We will be having a special guest speaker for…