February Important Announcements!

Happy First False Spring Everyone! Some important annoucements if you missed our monthly meeting:

February 25th Meeting at 6:30 pm

Welcome back everyone! Our first in person meeting of the year will be Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6:30 pm at the Flathead County Health Department (second floor). We’ll be discussing ordering bees, March feeding, and hive autopsies. See you then!

Beginning & Advanced Beekeeping Class at FVCC Feb and May

The Beginning beekeeping class taught by Angela Tollerson can now be registered for at FVCC continuing education website. February: Beginning Beekeeping May: Advanced Beekeeping

August/September Meetings Combined to be Slovinian Apiary Potluck on Sept 8th

We will not be meeting at the Health Department August 27th nor September 24th. Instead, we will go visit the Slovinian Apiary created by our member, Lowell, in Polson, Montana on Sunday, Sept. 8th. We will also be covering basic winterizing tips and it…

July 30th 6:30 pm Meeting

Don’t forget about our meeting Tuesday night at the Flathead County Health Department, Second floor at 6:30 pm! See you then!

June 25th Tuesday Meeting at the County Health Department

We’ll see you at 6:30 pm on the second floor Tuesday night this month! We’ll be talking about your July To-Dos and planning for our apiary visit this summer to a club member’s Scandinavian hives.

May 28th Meeting CANCELED

Due to influenza illness, Angela is unable to run the beekeeping meeting tonight, Tuesday 5/28. My apologies for the late notice. Please watch this page for news about our June meeting. If you have any beekeeping questions that were dependent on answers at tonight’s…

Beekeeper Colony Survival National Survey

Dear Beekeepers, Auburn University, with the support of the AIA, has worked hard to get a US colony loss and management survey up and running given that BIP is no longer administering one. The survey can be found at https://aub.ie/colonysurvey [aub.ie] It is now live…

In Need of a Meeting Leader for April 30th

Due to a medical procedure that has to be done on Tuesday the 30th, Angela will be unable to facilitate the April meeting that evening. She is looking for someone who is willing to greet people arriving and to lead general question and answers….

Bee Drivers Found! Contact Us for Bee-Pools

We now have volunteer driver pick-ups for the 3 following bee suppliers. If you would like to be added to the list that are picked up by these volunteers, please reach out to Angela (406) 871-6551 for more details. Please understand there will not…