April 25th Meeting Reminder

Don’t forget about our monthly meeting Tuesday night at 6:30pm at the Flathead County Health Department (second floor)! We’ll be covering the May To Dos and reminding everyone how to install your new bees or queens and care for them as they start up. See you there!

Special Queen Breeder Guest for March 28th Meeting

We will have a special guest, Cory Stevens, speaking remotely to our club for the Tuesday, March 28th 6:30 pm meeting. Cory raises Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) queens that Angela has been using in her apiary for 4 years now without 100% die offs in our winters. We’ll be connecting in person from the Flathead County Health Department over Zoom with Cory. See you next Tuesday!

Bee Purchasing Reminder

We are fast approaching the deadline for most bee suppliers to be sold out (usually end of March). If you need bees this year please visit our Bee purchasing page here for sources. To help you decide here are some breakdowns of prices and details for our most used suppliers:

  • Rod Smith: $200 nucleus colonies delivered to Kalispell with new queen Italian/Carni North American mix.
  • Great Northern Bee Company: $150 package with Russian queen mix delivered in Kalispell
  • Outdoor Bee Company: $180 nucleus colonies with Carniolan or Italian queen choice. Delivered in Missoula and overwintered in Spokane.
  • Western Bee: Packages picked up in Polson
  • Arlee Apiaries : SOLD OUT

February 28 Meeting

Welcome back everyone! I hope you enjoyed your winter break. Our club meetings are restarting for the year and the first one will be this Tuesday, the 28th, at 6:30 pm. As usual, we will meet on the second story of the Flathead County Health Department at 1035 1st Ave W in Kalispell. See you there!

Monthly Meetings Break Until February 28th

Thank you for a great 2022 season Beekeepers! We will take a break from monthly meetings until the last Tuesday of February. Feel free to reach out through this page or through Facebook with any questions. If you missed the meeting this week about winterizing, please watch it here:

September 27th Meeting – Winterizing

Don’t forget about our in person meeting at 6:30 Tuesday night at the Flathead County Health Department on the second floor. See you there!

August 30th Meeting with State Entomologist

This month our meeting will have a guest speaker! Alyssa Piccolomini, our official bee inspector and state Entomologist, will be here from Helena to talk about bee health. Get some benefit out of the annual dues you pay to the state for her time and efforts helping us with our bees! Please join us at the Flathead County Health Department 1035 1st Ave W (Second Floor) at 6:30 this Tuesday night!

July 26th Meeting for 2022

Don’t forget about our in person meeting at the Flathead County Health Department in Kalispell Tuesday the 26th at 6:30 pm!

Need Volunteer to Lead June 28th Meeting

Angela will be on vacation for the June meeting and she needs someone to be the point person to stream the in-person meeting on Facebook on June 28th from the Health Department. You don’t have to have all the beekeeping answers, just call the meeting to order! And have a smart phone or device to stream it on Facebook. Send her a text or email: 406-871-6551 or [email protected]

May Meeting Tuesday 24th 6:30 pm

Don’t forget our in person meeting at the County Health Department is this coming Tuesday the 24th (NOT May 31st) Bring your questions!