Welcome back everyone! Our first in person meeting of the year will be Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6:30 pm at the Flathead County Health Department (second floor). We’ll be discussing ordering bees, March feeding, and hive autopsies. See you then!
The Beginning beekeeping class taught by Angela Tollerson can now be registered for at FVCC continuing education website.
February: Beginning Beekeeping
May: Advanced Beekeeping
Our last meeting of the 2024 year will be Tuesday, October 29th at 6:30 pm at the Flathead County Health Department (second floor) in Kalispell. Please bring a small jar of your honey to participate in the tasting contest. We’ll cast votes and the winner will receive a prize!
Our last nice, warm day is this Sunday, 10/20. After that temperatures drop too low for bees to safely store nectar you give them. They cannot dehyrdate and cap honey below 55 degree days so it will grow deadly bacteria in the comb and give them dysentery. Sunday is the perfect day to remove top feeders, put on your extra super box above the bees filled with insulation of your choosing with an extra layer of sugar of your choosing. See our Helpful Info page for feeding options.
If you missed our September apiary visit meeting where we talked about winterizing, you may watch this video from a few years ago here
We will not be meeting at the Health Department August 27th nor September 24th. Instead, we will go visit the Slovinian Apiary created by our member, Lowell, in Polson, Montana on Sunday, Sept. 8th. We will also be covering basic winterizing tips and it will be a Potluck Lunch. Here are the details:
Location: Lowell’s Apiary
39085 Cimarron Lane, Polson
Date: Sunday, September 8th
Time: 11:30am (Potluck first, then tour and bee winterizing meeting)
Required: Bee Veil at least
Potluck: Bring what you want; but if you want to make sure we have all dishes covered, follow the general
rule of Last name starts with A-M: Sides or Deserts. Last Name starts with N-Z: Main Dishes
Don’t forget about our meeting Tuesday night at the Flathead County Health Department, Second floor at 6:30 pm! See you then!
We’ll see you at 6:30 pm on the second floor Tuesday night this month! We’ll be talking about your July To-Dos and planning for our apiary visit this summer to a club member’s Scandinavian hives.
Due to influenza illness, Angela is unable to run the beekeeping meeting tonight, Tuesday 5/28. My apologies for the late notice. Please watch this page for news about our June meeting. If you have any beekeeping questions that were dependent on answers at tonight’s meeting, please feel free to email or call. Angela won’t be able to respond for a few days when her voice is back. Thanks for your understanding!
Dear Beekeepers,
Auburn University, with the support of the AIA, has worked hard to get a US colony loss and management survey up and running given that BIP is no longer administering one. The survey can be found at https://aub.ie/colonysurvey [aub.ie]
It is now live and inviting beekeeper participation until midnight on May 31st. Beekeeping operations of any size can fill out the survey!
An announcement blog can be found on the AIA website here: https://apiaryinspectors.org/Blog-US-Beekeeping-Survey-Live [apiaryinspectors.org]
Additionally, Auburn has made an initial announcement about the survey on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/auburnbees [facebook.com]) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/auburnbees/ [instagram.com]). The handle for both is @auburnbees and the pages are called Auburn University Bees.
Thank you so much for your assistance! Participating in this survey helps inspectors better understand what is driving colony losses across the US. All information on beekeeper information is kept confidential.
Alyssa Piccolomini, State Entomologist
Montana Department of Agriculture
Secretary, Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA)
Office 406-444-3790 Mobile 406-417-1246 Web www.agr.mt.gov/beeprogram
Email [email protected] 302 N Roberts St | Helena, MT 59601
We have a treat for you at our meeting this Tuesday the 30th, at 6:30 pm at the Flathead County Health Department! Calvin Sphuler and his wife, Hillary, will be hosting the April meeting. Calvin is a local, experienced beekeeper and hobbyist queen producer with great over-wintering success. He’ll be talking about preparing for splits in May and answering all your beekeeping questions.
Because a guest speaker is hosting the meeting, it will not be streamed on Facebook this month, come see him in person!
Tuesday the 30th
6:30 pm
Flathead County Health Department Second Floor
1035 1st Ave Kalispell
Due to a medical procedure that has to be done on Tuesday the 30th, Angela will be unable to facilitate the April meeting that evening. She is looking for someone who is willing to greet people arriving and to lead general question and answers. And then lock the doors as you leave. Please send her a text at 406-871-6551 if you are willing to help out on the 30th at 6:30 PM. No formal talking points are required. Just facilitating question and answers among all of the new and existing beekeepers. Thanks so much for your help!