Dear Beekeepers,
Auburn University, with the support of the AIA, has worked hard to get a US colony loss and management survey up and running given that BIP is no longer administering one. The survey can be found at []
It is now live and inviting beekeeper participation until midnight on May 31st. Beekeeping operations of any size can fill out the survey!
An announcement blog can be found on the AIA website here: []
Additionally, Auburn has made an initial announcement about the survey on Facebook ( []) and Instagram ( []). The handle for both is @auburnbees and the pages are called Auburn University Bees.
Thank you so much for your assistance! Participating in this survey helps inspectors better understand what is driving colony losses across the US. All information on beekeeper information is kept confidential.
Alyssa Piccolomini, State Entomologist
Montana Department of Agriculture
Secretary, Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA)
Office 406-444-3790 Mobile 406-417-1246 Web
Email [email protected] 302 N Roberts St | Helena, MT 59601